1003 Log Name: Application
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP
Date: 24/02/2015 14:05:28
Event ID: 1003
Level: Information
The Software Protection service has completed licensing status check.
Application Id=55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
Licensing Status=
1: 01f5fc37-a99e-45c5-b65e-d762f3518ead, 1, 0 [(0 [0xC004F014, 0, 0], [(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)])(1 )(2 )]
I am investigating the above report. The code 0xC004F014 is reported as meaning that my copy of Office 2010 is not genuine. I know that this is inaccurate. I am running an Add-In Classic Menus for Office 2010 and am wondering whether this might cause the generation of false reports. I decided to Repair Office and a number of reports similar to that below were generated.
Log Name: Application
Source: MsiInstaller
Date: 24/03/2015 14:45:38
Event ID: 1039
Level: Warning
Product: Microsoft Office Single Image 2010. The application tried to modify a protected Windows registry key \CLSID\{8854F6A0-4683-4AE7-9191-752FE64612C3}\InprocServer32.
I do not follow why the Repair tool should be prevented from completing the change. Is this behaviour a bug or intended by design. As far as I am aware all components of Microsoft Office are functioning correctly and no Not genuine messages are being generated.
Does anyone have any thoughts on the issues raised?